.. _metadata_xml_insert_update_delete:
Metadata insert, update and delete services
These services provide insert, update and delete operations for metadata records. They could be used by a metadata editing program external to GeoNetwork.
This is the Create, Update, Delete part of the metadata CRUD operations in GeoNetwork. For read/retrieve operations (the R in CRUD) see :ref:`metadata_xml_search_retrieve`.
.. index:: xml.metadata.insert
Insert metadata (xml.metadata.insert)
The **xml.metadata.insert** service allows you to insert a new record into the catalogue.
Requires authentication: Yes
- **data**: (mandatory) Contains the
metadata record
- **group** (mandatory): Owner group
identifier for metadata
- **isTemplate**: indicates if the
metadata content is a new template or not. Default value:
- **title**: Metadata title. Only
required if isTemplate = "y"
- **category** (mandatory): Metadata
category. Use "_none_" value to don't assign any
- **styleSheet** (mandatory): Stylesheet
name to transform the metadata before inserting in the
catalog. Use "_none_" if you don't have a stylesheet to apply
- **validate**: Indicates if the metadata
should be validated before inserting in the catalog. Values:
on, off (default)
Insert metadata request example::
Post request:
If request is executed successfully HTTP 200 status code is
returned along with an XML document with id details of the record inserted.
Example success response:
If request fails an HTTP status code 500 is returned and
the response contains an XML document with the exception.
Example error response:
Unique index or primary key violation: "CONSTRAINT_INDEX_1 ON PUBLIC.METADATA(UUID)"; SQL statement: INSERT INTO Metadata (id, schemaId, data, createDate, changeDate, source, uuid, is Template, isHarvested, root, owner, doctype, groupOwner) VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) [23001-152]JdbcSQLException.....
See :ref:`exception_handling` for more details.
If validate parameter is set to "on" and the provided metadata
is not valid with respect to the XSD and schematrons in use for the metadata
schema then an exception report is returned.
Example validation metadata report:
XSD Validation error(s)XSDValidationErrorExengxml.metadata.insert
- **Service not allowed (error id:
service-not-allowed)**, when the user is not
authenticated or their profile has no rights to execute the
service. Returns 500 HTTP code
- **Missing parameter (error id:
missing-parameter)**, when mandatory parameters are
not provided. Returns 500 HTTP code
- **bad-parameter XXXX**, when a
mandatory parameter is empty. Returns 500 HTTP code
- **ERROR: duplicate key violates unique
constraint "metadata_uuid_key"**, if another
metadata record in catalog has the same uuid of the metadata
record being inserted. Returns 500 HTTP code
.. index:: xml.metadata.update
Update metadata (xml.metadata.update)
The **xml.metadata.update** service allows you to update a metadata record in the catalog.
Requires authentication: Yes
- **id** or **uuid**: (mandatory) Identifier of the metadata to update
- **version**: (mandatory) This parameter
is used by the GeoNetwork editor to avoid concurrent updates to the same
metadata record. This is not accessible to the service user at present so
this parameter can be set to any integer value.
- **isTemplate**: indicates if the
metadata content is a new template or not. Default value: "n"
- **showValidationErrors**: Indicates if
the metadata should be validated before updating in the
- **minor**: If the metadata update is a minor change (changedate will not be
updated, notification of change in metadata will not be sent) then this
parameter should be set to "true", "false" otherwise.
- **title**: Metadata title (for templates)
- **data** (mandatory) Contains the metadata record.
Update metadata request example::
Post request:
If request is executed successfully HTTP 200 status code is
returned and an XML document with details of the successful request.
Example success response:
If request fails an HTTP status code 500 (server error) is returned and
the response is an XML document with the exception.
Example error response:
See :ref:`exception_handling` for more details.
- **Service not allowed (error id:
service-not-allowed)**, when the user is not
authenticated or his profile has no rights to execute the
service. Returns 500 HTTP code
- **Missing parameter (error id:
missing-parameter)**, when mandatory parameters are
not provided. Returns 500 HTTP code
- **bad-parameter XXXX**, when a
mandatory parameter is empty or when the update id doesn't exist.
Returns 500 HTTP code
- **Concurrent update (error id:
client)**, when the version number provided is
different from the current version number (Metadata record is in use by
another user). Returns 500 HTTP code
.. index:: xml.metadata.delete
Delete metadata (xml.metadata.delete)
The **xml.metadata.delete** service removes a
metadata record from the catalog. The metadata record is
backed up in MEF format in ``GEONETWORK_DATA_DIR/removed``.
Requires authentication: Yes
- **id** or **uuid**: (mandatory) Identifier of the metadata to delete
Example request::
Post request:
If request executed successfully HTTP 200 status code is
returned and an XML document with details of what has been deleted.
Example success response:
If request fails an HTTP 500 status code error is returned and
the response is an XML document with the exception.
Example error response:
Metadata not foundMetadataNotFoundEx......
See :ref:`exception_handling` for more details.
- **Service not allowed (error id:
service-not-allowed)**, when the user is not
authenticated or their profile has no rights to execute the
service. Returns 500 HTTP code
- **Metadata not found (error id:
metadata-not-found)**, if the identifier provided did not correspond
to an existing metadata record. Returns 500 HTTP code
- **Operation not allowed** **(error id: operation-not-allowed)**, when
the user is not authorized to edit the metadata. To edit a metadata one of the
following must be true:
- The user is the metadata owner
- The user is an Administrator
- The user has edit rights over the metadata
- The user is a Reviewer and/or UserAdmin and the
metadata groupOwner is one of his groups
Returns 500 HTTP code.
.. index:: xml.metadata.batch.delete
.. _metadata.batch.delete:
Batch Delete (xml.metadata.batch.delete)
The **xml.metadata.batch.delete** service deletes the metadata records in the selected set.
.. note:: This service requires a previous call to the ``xml.metadata.select`` service (see :ref:`metadata.select`) to select the metadata records to delete.
.. note:: Only those metadata records for which the user running the service has ownership rights on will be deleted. If metadata versioning is on then deletions will be recorded in the version history.
Requires authentication: Yes
Parameters: **None**
Example request:
Post request:
If the request executed successfully then HTTP 200 status code is returned and
an XML document with a summary of how the metadata records in the selected set
have been processed. An example of such a response is shown below:
The response fields are:
- **done** - number of metadata records successfully deleted
- **notOwner** - number of metadata records skipped because the user running this service did not have ownership rights
- **notFound** - number of metadata records skipped because they were not found (may have been deleted)
If the request fails an HTTP 500 status code error is returned and
the response is an XML document with the exception. An example of such a response is shown below:
Service not allowed
See :ref:`exception_handling` for more details.
- **Service not allowed (error id:
service-not-allowed)**, when the user is not
authenticated or their profile has no rights to execute the
service. Returns 500 HTTP code